
Winner of $100 Gift Card

Congratulations to Jesse Hodges of Hodges TV, Jackson, MS, for winning a $100 Visa gift card during our December Facebook promotion! Thank you to all who participated; there will be more chances for our Facebook friends to win prizes throughout the year so stay tuned!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Staff at our Las Vegas
 distribution and  call center
pose with turkeys Encompass
distributed to all employees.   

Encompass is extremely thankful for all of our hard working and dedicated employees and for the privilege to serve our valued customers. We wish everyone a safe and joyous Thanksgiving Day!

Please remember that Encompass will be closed in celebration of the holiday. Also, we will be conducting a full physical inventory of our warehouses Nov. 23-25. Customers can place orders during this time, but fulfillment will not resume until Monday, Nov. 26. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Halloween at Encompass

Congrats to winners of our pumpkin carving contest: the P&F warehouse team at our Lawrenceville, Ga. facility and Heddy Agosto, Customer Service, at our Davie, Fla. facility. Heddy also won the chili cook-off contest, and Michael Edwards took first in Lawrenceville with his recipe for turkey chili. See more pictures at our Facebook page.

Important Notice on Tax Exempt Status and Payment Remittance

Fax — 678.802.6509
Mail — 775 Tipton Industrial Drive, Lawrenceville, GA, 30046
Additionally, Encompass has established a new payment remittance address. Payments should now be sent to:
Wells Fargo Business Credit F/A Encompass
P.O. Box 935572
Atlanta, GA 31193-5572

Encompass Recognized at NPSC

Encompass was honored at NPSC with an Industry Angel award from NESDA, and received special recognition from Panasonic for Outstanding Sales Growth 2011-2012.

Congratulations to the winners of our booth prize drawing:
Linda Kaplan, Sterling Electronics, Lincoln Park, MI ($100 gift card)
Joseph Ramos, HD Repair, Boca Raton, FL ($50 gift card)
Steven Friedman ($25 gift card)