Encompass Response to Coronavirus
Updated April 21, 2020
Message from Encompass President & CEO Robert Coolidge
Encompass has been closely monitoring the global impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic since it first originated in China. Our heartfelt condolences are with all those who have been sickened and died from this terrible illness. Please click here for a helpful pamphlet on Preventing the Spread of Respiratory Diseases from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Internal Response
Although all Encompass facilities are operating regular schedules, we have taken several precautions for the health and well-being of both our associates and business partners. We are following all government guidance and mandates to help contain the pandemic. Some measures we have taken include:
- Office staff are telecommuting until further notice. Encompass is equipped with cloud-based systems, ensuring continuous communications both internally and with our customers.
- Essential on-site staff are required to wear masks and gloves and are also being provided antiseptic wipes and hand sanitizer at work stations and common areas. More importantly, they are mandated to frequently wash hands.
- Staff travel is restricted.
Parts Supply Continuity
Due to the expected closings of factories during the January Chinese New Year, our Purchasing team had procured safety stock for the select brands for which we source directly overseas. At this time, highest demand parts remain in stock across multiple product verticals, including Home Appliance and Consumer Electronics. However, the team is in daily contact with manufacturers to identify any supply disruptions so we can then communicate with our customers.
Encompass has no immediate plans to close facilities and will continue to follow standard preventative guidelines to address the current situation.
Counter Sales Reopened
With additional safety measures in place, counter sales/order pickup has resumed at all locations. The counters at our Atlanta, Fort Lauderdale and Las Vegas distribution centers will be open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4pm. To limit contact, we request that customers first place orders on encompass.com prior to coming to the facility, if possible.
Help for Customers
Encompass is here for you! If we can be of any assistance, please let us know: customercare@encompass.com. Have you taken advantage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)? CARES enables small businesses and contract workers to obtain a variety of loans to maintain operations and prevent layoffs during this unprecedented crisis. Tax advantages are also available.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Encompass will continue to update this company response statement as conditions warrant to keep you informed.
Robert Coolidge
President & CEO
Comments (20)
I need a head brush for a AS1040-As1049 series upright vacuum
are the parts still available?
It is the Pet Hepa machine
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.
I need a ,”hot Water solinoid for my lg washing machine MODEL:WT57OHV
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.
washing machine LG model: wt517ohv: need hto water solinoid
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.
I sent a request to help identify the replace blade I needed for my handheld MR 5550 M BC-HCT Type 4191, and ordered and received the one I was told would fit.
However, it is not the correct knife insert to fit my blender.
Please help me figure out how to remedy this mistake. I am not interested in paying shipping again and again.
If there is a way, I can send you a pic of what I need and what I received.
Thank you,
Hi Rachel, so sorry for the delayed response. If you still need assistance, please private message us: customercare@encompass.com.
Instead of making customers wait 15 days for a refund, How about your company issue refunds as soon as you receive your items back?
Hi Juan, we’re so sorry for the delay! Please private message us your order/return details so we can look into this for you: customercare@encompass.com.
I own RJS Machineworks, Inc., a small tool and die manufacturing company in Upstate New York, USA. In Governor Cuomo’s updates, he has mentioned the dire need for production of ventilators to support people who have been infected with COVID19. He has also mentioned Royal Phillips, by name, in his addresses. I’m reaching out and offering my services to pair with Royal Phillips in producing ventilator components. Please let me know how I can be of service. Thank you.
Thank you Ronald, Encompass actually does not work with Royal Philips, we work with the Philips Consumer Lifestyle division. It’s very kind of you to offer services, and you should reach out to Royal Philips directly.
My MDRRF995R headphones are broken can i purchase them without the RF sterio transmitter or do i have to order them both? How much are the headphones alone and how much are the pair if i have to order them both.
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.
Gentlepeople: re: Order # 1-34019 Customer #27411 order placed Mar 20/2020 at 4:11pm
Item ordered was 422203631971 Mini Trimmer qty one (1) and error was made on my part I need #422203631971 Full Size Trimmer
If a change can be made before the order is submitted/shipped, It would be very much appreciated….I do not care about the price difference (in your favor)
It would be greatly appreciated if this error on my part can be corrected
Again my requirement is the Full Size Trimmer not the Mini Trimmer
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.
Thank you for keeping our industry going. We are all struggling right now.
We’re always here to help, Vernon. We’re also looking into virtual training to keep your skills sharp. If you have any topics that would be most valuable, please let us know!
You have been out of stock of this item for months and it remains so on a sliding scale. Will you ever get it again? #20011685 gasket. Thanks.
Thank you for your inquiry, and we apologize for the delayed response. All inquiries are managed through our online contact form system, chat service or call center. Please click here to visit our Contact Us page for fastest replies.