
Encompass Kicks Off 2017 with Record-Breaking Growth

 Among contributing factors, company cites strategic partnerships,  service enhancements and new lines  

Lawrenceville, Ga., February 2, 2017 – Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. a leading provider of Distribution, 3PL and 4PL solutions for a diverse range of replacement parts and finished goods, today announced it has experienced a significant uptick in revenue and units sold due to a number of innovative business factors.

The company’s growth increase into the first quarter of 2017 surpasses that of any other period within its nearly 65-year history. With roots in consumer electronics parts supply, Encompass today maintains one of the most diversified spare parts inventories in the country, distributing components for everything from major appliances and HVAC units to personal care items and computers. The company has been aggressively expanding into new vertical markets – such as the toy industry – to enhance single-source support to a host of clients, particularly warranty companies, service networks and major retailers.

“Encompass would not be experiencing this level of success without the vital relationships we have formed with world-leading OEM vendors, strategic business partners and service dealers,” said Encompass President and CEO Robert Coolidge. “They are our life line, and we appreciate the ongoing confidence they have in us to ensure superior service throughout the supply chain.”

To provide strong hands-on support, Encompass routinely embeds staff at client locations to offer fast assistance with claims resolution, parts procurement, end user support and more. Encompass is also one of the only distributors in the country to operate its own on-site repair and reverse logistics service to deliver comprehensive end-to-end solutions for every segment of the supply chain from forward logistics to returns management. Additionally, the company just opened a new Training Center at its Atlanta-area headquarters to help bolster the skillsets of field and depot service technicians across multiple disciplines.

All of these innovative business initiatives are clearly driving the company’s growth – as evidenced by recent month-over-month performance, according to Coolidge.

“Encompass has long realized that to remain a critical part of the supply chain, we must continue increasing our value to the entire industry beyond simply distributing spare parts for television repair,” he said. “What we’re seeing now in terms of business development is directly reflected in our strategy to broaden our services and product offerings and strengthen support to our business partners.”

Coolidge said the company plans to remain on its growth trajectory by focusing extensive resources on consumer e-commerce sales through improvements to its site,, launch of a new finished goods-only website and search engine optimization efforts. Increasing the speed and efficiency of warehouse operations is another key area of opportunity, as well as seeking new business partners that realize the importance of a dependable aftermarket solution to retain brand loyalty.

“Our most successful clients are those that understand how critical it is to support their products  after the sale,” said Coolidge. “Encompass provides an extra level of service that helps instill confidence in client brands among end users and service techs alike. It’s this type of unparalleled support that is expected to fuel our growth throughout 2017 and beyond.” 

About Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.

Encompass is a market leader in forward and reverse supply chain management and high-tech repair services for a diverse and expanding range of consumer electronics, computer, major appliances and imaging products.  Encompass provides end-to-end solutions for OEMs, retailers, independent dealers and third-party administrators.

Encompass manages all stages of the product lifecycle, including finished goods and replacement parts logistics, board repair and product refurbishment services, returns management, asset value recovery and eco-friendly disposal. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.





CE Tech Tips — February 2017

CE Professional Tech Tip Sharing
February 2017


Due the danger and complexity of electronics repair, the following shared technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.

Disney TV/DVD, P1310ATVD
Reason for Service: Bright screen with retrace.
Solution:  Replaced the CRT socket. 

Hitachi TV, 60SX2K
Reason for Service: Loss of audio in TV mode only.
Solution: Replaced M-4001. 

Mitsubishi TV, WD65638
Reason for Service: Lamp was out.  Replacing the lamp, set worked for a couple of minutes, the picture flashed and color wheel began making noises.
Solution:  Replacing the lamp and the color wheel fixed the problems. 

Panasonic Plasma, TCP50S30
Reason for Service:  Shuts down with 8 blink code.
Solution:  Discovered loose ground screws on the SS board.  Replacing them with Panasonic kit XYN3+F6FJ-18PK fixed the set. 

Philips TV, 50PFP5332D/37
Reason for Service:  Shuts down at turn on.
Solution: Reseating all cables fixed the set.

RCA TV, F36650, (ATC113)
Reason for Service:  The vertical was compressed intermittently at top third of screen.
Solution: Replaced CV32 and fixed the problem. 1000uF/25V. Clean the board well after removing the old cap. 

Sharp TV, LC-26SH10U
Reason for Service: Has sound, but no back light.  Has 24V to the inverter.
Solution: Found an open fuse on the inverter board; replacing it fixed the set. 

Vizio TV, E421VO
Reason for Service: When you turn set on, you see splash screen for a few seconds, then backlights go off, no video, OSD or sound.  Could not turn set back off.
Solution:  Replaced the IR receiver board.

Vizio TV, VX37LHDTV10A
Reason for Service:  Power comes on with backlight, but no audio, video or OSD.  Logo does turn to white.
Solution: Replacing U7, AMC1117 and U9, K1117 fixed the set. 

Westinghouse TV, TX47430S
Reason for Service: TV shuts down after a popping sound.
Solution: Found a lot of old solder on the power board, resoldering fixed the set.

Why Force a Defrost – Samsung Refrigeration

Courtesy of Richard Sedlack, Owner/Lead Trainer, Level 2 Learning


Due the danger and complexity of electronics repair, the following shared technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.

Since the Genesis of Electronically-Controlled Refrigerators in 2000, one of the first questions I am asked during training is “How do I put (it) into DEFROST?” The “It” being the brand of refrigerator I am training on that session. As a Field Engineer, the reason seems obvious: defrost system components are among the top replaced parts for a “no cool” complaint. The ability to energize that system for testing is a must.

But with Samsung, there are many more procedures that require this. In these cases, you need to Force Defrost before taking one tool out of your bag. Why? For one, removal of the Direct Contact Icemaker. This system includes the icemaker “clamped” to an evaporator tube. Force Defrost, indicated as “Fd” on the seven segment displays, activates the ice maker’s heater loop as well. In fact, depending on the model you are working on, Force Defrost will also activate other electric heaters in the appliance. Those may include the fill tube heater, damper door heaters and duct heaters, besides the obvious defrost heater.  Regardless, removing that icemaker while it is frozen to the cooling tube will result in YOU buying the customer a new refrigerator.

 But wait, there’s more!  Since Samsung’s evaporator covers are mounted so close to the evaporator itself, it is a MUST to Force Defrost before attempting to remove that cover.  If not, it’s a sure bet the compressed foam type insulation behind the cover will break, and air flow will be severely compromised upon reassembly.

How do you Force Defrost?  Well, on “tabletop” control models, press the Power Freeze and Fridge buttons simultaneously for about 8 seconds, until the display goes blank. Then, press any other button until “Fd” appears.  A Beep should sound and defrost begins.

For dispenser models, press Freezer (top left) and Lighting (middle right) buttons simultaneously for about 8 seconds, until the display goes blank. Then, press any other button until “Fd” appears.

After complete you MUST disconnect from power to reset! As always, refer to the Samsung Fast Track Document for the model in question to verify. For some older models with bar level display, you must refer to the Fast Track for that model. Work smarter, Not harder.

CES Takeaways & Service Tech Opportunities

They say you can’t be too rich or too thin, and the latter definitely applies to the trend in television design. All the major brands at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show exhibited display panels so slim they would make a Samsung YU1978 race to the gym.

Many manufacturers at CES also featured the “Internet of Things” or technology integration into just about any imaginable device from appliances to hair brushes. Want to stream Pandora from your refrigerator? No problem! Need a bed that adjusts when you start snoring? Stay tuned!

     Robert Coolidge
    President & CEO

Virtual reality gaming, drones and robot assistants were other buzzworthy highlights at the show. And what’s old is new again with 1980s-style boom boxes and karaoke machines back, but with upgrades like Bluetooth technology and other high-tech gadgetry.

So what does this mean for the typical consumer electronics and/or appliance servicer? Who fixes the touch screen-enabled refrigerator that sends an alert when the milk is about to expire? Someone with computer repair experience? Along with all the intriguing new technology, comes a ton of exciting opportunities for servicers willing to become “hybrids.” Those resistant to change and reinventing themselves are at high risk of being left behind.

Many of those who aren’t interested in learning new technology are also very close to retirement, which leaves a huge gap in the servicer industry. If you’ve attended any recent consumer electronics or appliance association events lately, you’re sure to have noticed more gray heads than not. When these men and women were seeking careers, vocational tech training was readily available, or they may have inherited the family business. Today, too few schools offer repair training, and those family businesses are slowly closing shop as no next generation is there or willing to take over.

Whether there’s going to be a future shortage of skilled technicians is still to be determined. But what is certain is there will always be a need for specialized repair, and there should be plenty of opportunity for those eager to expand their technical know-how – as well as those ready to take a break from Snapchat and Facebook to learn the business.

And for the TV repair servicer, there may actually be a renaissance coming. Display panels are becoming so thin, components must be housed separately – some in portable soundbars. This advancement could potentially simplify repairs and make them more economically feasible versus replacement, which has been the default solution in recent years. This could help revitalize the depot repair model, while field techs can take advantage of installation and connectivity work.

If you’re in the repair business now, stay abreast of the trends and keep an eagle eye on opportunities to expand your service offerings. At Encompass, we’re doing our part to help by offering a variety of training classes at our Atlanta-area headquarters. If you’re interested in a specific topic, please get in touch via email to:

For those looking for opportunity, electronics repair may be the right door to be knocking on. Be open to change, look for ways to diversify and continue to evolve to stay relevant.

Congrats to Employees of the Month!

Encompass is pleased to announce our Employees of the Month for November and December: Dana Fordham, Florida Purchasing, and Valerie Christian, Georgia Accounting.

Dana has continuously excelled in all aspects of her job and has taken on more difficult roles since she has joined the Purchasing team in 2013. Valerie, who also joined the company in 2013, is a hard worker with a remarkable attitude who always strives to help not only customers, but employees within and outside her department.

Thank you both for all you do!

Dana Fordham

Valerie Christian with Service Solutions Director Tom Sutlive



Warrantech Partners with Encompass for Sourcing and Procurement of Parts and Product replacements

Lawrenceville, Ga., January 4, 2017 – Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (“Encompass” or “the Company”) a leading provider of 3PL and 4PL solutions for a diverse range of replacement parts and finished goods, today announced it has been selected by Warrantech, an AmTrust Financial Services Company and one of the country’s largest extended warranty administrators, to help provide parts and product procurement in support of Warrantech’s extended warranty service objectives.

Encompass will provide repair parts to the Warrantech service network, or replacement products in the event parts are not readily available or repairs are not economically feasible. The Company’s highly-seasoned Purchasing team will leverage its global network of vendors to support multiple product categories, including Consumer Electronics, Home Appliance, Heating and Cooling, Computer, Imaging, Mobile Devices and others.

Encompass Purchasing will be focused on creating a world-class service experience for Warrantech’s customers and the brands it supports, while helping to manage costs, decrease turn time and positively impact severity.

Encompass expects to reduce expensive buyouts to consumers. As Encompass President and CEO Robert Coolidge noted in a recent blog post, the use of gift cards or other means for warranty reimbursement to consumers versus repair or replacement is costly to warranty companies and raises the risk of brand displacement for manufacturers.

“In our ongoing mission to help our clients be more successful, we aim to curtail the industry practice of compensating consumers with gift cards to replace a defective product,” said Coolidge. “This can lead to brand displacement and decreased customer satisfaction as end users are now being tasked to find another product. Manufacturers should want to do whatever it takes to keep their brand in the customer’s home and maintain low repair costs.”

To provide hands-on service to Warrantech, Encompass will embed a dedicated team of Encompass employees within the Warrantech infrastructure, as well as inside key partner facilities – a practice that Encompass has deployed with other strategic partners with great success.

“Working side-by-side with Warrantech on site will enable Encompass to more efficiently resolve issues and eliminate communication gaps to help expedite customer claims resolution,” said Ariel Gorelik, Chief Operating Officer, Warrantech. 

About Warrantech

Warrantech is a subsidiary of AmTrust Financial Services, a multinational property and casualty holding company that is rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company for their financial strength and stability. An innovative, technology-driven company, AmTrust brings its financial strength to Warrantech, enabling it to offer a unique, bundled approach that includes both underwriting and administration. This creates transparency and visibility to information that enables customers to change and create plans that are both highly customized and profitable. 

About Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.

Encompass is a market leader in forward and reverse supply chain management and high-tech repair services for a diverse and expanding range of consumer electronics, computer, major appliances and imaging products.  Encompass provides end-to-end solutions for OEMs, retailers, independent dealers and third-party administrators.

Encompass manages all stages of the product lifecycle, including finished goods and replacement parts logistics, board repair and product refurbishment services, returns management, asset value recovery and eco-friendly disposal. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Encompass Resolutions for 2017

Like the next hole on a golf course, a new year always offers the chance to start fresh with a renewed perspective on your business. It’s a time to evaluate the year gone by and assess what went right and what didn’t go so well. You now have another 365 days to try new ideas, implement new programs and go after new business.

        Robert Coolidge
       President & CEO

While Encompass is set to enter our 64th year of operations, we are challenging ourselves to think like a startup and continue evolving our business. Encompass has long understood that just being a consumer electronics parts distributor has little value to the market. As such, here is a sampling of our business resolutions for the coming year:

  • Training & Development – Realizing that tech training is as vitally important as it is hard to come by, we recently opened a learning center at our headquarters in Lawrenceville, GA, just north of Atlanta. Manufacturers have been invited to use the space at no charge, and have accepted our offer for their authorized networks. To expand training opportunities to independent techs, we have contracted with Level 2 Learning – a leading provider of appliance technology training – to hold classes on Samsung refrigerator and laundry diagnostics 24 & 25. Registration is now open on a first come, first served basis.We anticipate offering courses throughout the year and welcome any input servicers have on topics they’d be interested in (please email with your feedback). Our goal is to help our customers be more successful, and that starts with enhancing their skillsets and knowledge.Beyond offering training to our customers, we are also focused on professional development for our staff. From honing their service skills to accelerating their parts identification capabilities, we aim to help ensure our team has the tools they need to provide world-class customer service.
  • New Verticals – One of Encompass’ greatest advantages is our diversity. We currently serve as a one-stop source of 10 core product categories and are constantly looking for new verticals to add to our catalog. As most independent servicers appreciate the need to diversify their own businesses to stay relevant, Encompass enables techs to come to one streamlined provider for all their parts needs.We are set to debut LED troffers – lighting panels you see mostly in commercial settings – and are in discussions with other manufacturers of some exciting products emerging in the market. If it needs parts, we want to support it after the sale. We also have several new and existing products and brands launching in 2017.  We must all continue to evolve!
  • E-Commerce Enhancements – You will have noticed that our e-commerce site com has undergone a massive overhaul in recent months. Our goal is to help visitors quickly and easily find and order the parts they need. The sooner you can get your parts, the sooner you can complete a repair or get your electronics back to working condition. Look for further upgrades in the coming months, including new functionality, additional parts photos and data and other helpful support tools. We have already added over 50,000 product photos, which brings us to over 250,000 total. This, combined with our innovative suggested part relationship data will help make first time repairs a much easier reality.
  • Business Solutions – To further help our customers be more successful, Encompass recently partnered with Netsirk Technologies to develop Skulocity, a new business management application. We leveraged our decades of aftermarket distribution expertise to design a solution specifically tailored for small to mid-sized manufacturers, retailers, field and depot service organizations and parts distributors. Skulocity is a fully-integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with comprehensive functionality for: order management, inventory control, warehouse management, procurement, discrete manufacturing, accounting, payment processing and customer relationship management. This product will help all part distributors become healthier and more capable as they continue to expand their product offerings and improve their value to the OEMs they represent.

As a dynamic organization, Encompass is continually evaluating ways to enhance our business and yours.  We strive to deliver a superior service experience to all our customers, but acknowledge we don’t always get it right. When this happens, we do whatever it takes to turn the situation around.

On behalf of the entire Encompass Team, we wish you all the best in 2017 and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.



Whirlpool Over-the-Range Microwave Door Issue

Appliance Tech Tip
January 2017

Courtesy of Fred’s Appliance Academy

DISCLAIMER: Due the danger and complexity of electronics repair, the following shared technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass and Fred’s Appliance Academy do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.
Electrical Shock Hazard: Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all parts and panels before operating. Failure to do so can result in death or electrical shock.


For that last two years, there have been several trouble calls for the Whirlpool/Maytag brand OTR microwaves (common complaint: Customer can not start the unit and the display says “open / close door.”)

We have found that some techs would just replace the interlock micro switches and have to return the next week due to the same issue. Other techs may just order each piece of the cam assembly, but again they must return a week later for the same issue.  Instead of ordering these items separately, the complete interlock cam/switch assembly come all together in the low voltage wire harness (W10450407). There is an issue with an imperfection in the cam assembly causing the cam to roll over the switch a little too far, causing internal arcing in the switch.

This is a quick, easy repair requiring only a phillips head screwdriver, #10 torx driver and the wire harness. If all parts are replaced together, the problem will be resolved.  Microwaves deal with very high voltages that can cause serious injury or even death.  If you are not comfortable or experienced in microwave repair, DO NOT ATTEMPT THE REPAIR.  Call a professional service company in your area for assistance.


Special thanks to Fred’s Appliance Academy

CE Tech Tips — January 2017

CE Professional Tech Tip Sharing
January 2017


Due the danger and complexity of electronics repair, the following shared technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.


Hitachi TV,  51 UWX20B
Reason for Service:  No video, audio or OSD.  Turn up screens and you can see some video.
Solution:  Check video mute AC Protect and Horz Blank and found Q445 shorted.

Insignia TV,  NS-55E560A11
Reason for Service:  Dead
Solution: Check the following Schottky diodes on the power PCB:  VD838, VD839, VD840, VD841, and replace any defective ones.

Mitsubishi TV,  WS55413
Reason for Service: Shuts down when you power on with error 2-2
Solution: On the main board, replaced open fuse F9B01,  IC9B02, 270P668020 and D9B07,  264P484030.

Panasonic TV, PT51HX43G
Reason for Service:  Set is dead, B+ at 60V
Solution:  Replacing D502 fixed the set.

Samsung TV, LN32C540
Reason for Service:  Has standby, but nothing works
Solution: Common problem is CM808 in the power supply board.  0.018 polyethylene/800V cap.  (18nF) Use a higher voltage.

Sharp TV, LC37D43U
Reason for Service: Won’t power up, no indicator.
Solution:   Replaced a defective 150V, 5W zener on the power board.  Fixed the set.

Sony TV, KV40XBR800
Reason for Service: Dead or shuts down when plugged in, 6 blink code.
Solution: Replacing C6556 fixed the set.  33uV/160V.

Vizio TV,  GV47LFHDTV10A
Reason for Service:  Has backlight but no video.
Solution: Found U10 on the main board was defective.


Encompass International Partners with Carrefour to Reduce Consumer Electronics Product Returns in Brazil

Lawrenceville, Ga., December 15, 2016 – Encompass International, a division of Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of 3PL and 4PL solutions for a diverse range of finished goods and replacement parts, today announced its Brazilian unit will be operating within 51 Carrefour hypermarkets in Brazil to assist customers with product usage in an attempt to substantially minimize the amount of purchased goods being returned.

Offering a combination of food and non-food items, Carrefour is one of the largest hypermarkets in Brazil with more than 100 stores located throughout the country. To control soaring product returns volume, the company has teamed with Encompass to establish in-store Customer Contact Centers in 50 locations initially.

encompassintlAfter purchasing any electronic product, Carrefour customers are encouraged to check into the center where a service team member will assist them with any needed device set up and ensure the product is working properly prior to leaving the store. Such products will include televisions, computers, cameras, phones, small appliances – anything powered by electricity. Customers opting not to go through the performance check process must later return products directly to the manufacturer instead of Carrefour.

“Most products returned to the store as malfunctioning are typically in good working order,” said Jose Hernandez, general manager of Encompass International. “Our role is to enhance the buying experience for customers so they leave a Carrefour store confident that their electronics are fully functional. At the same time, we’re helping to reduce product returns, which are very costly to retailers.”

In addition to performance checks, Encompass will offer carry-in repair service for a variety of electronics and will sell product accessories, such as HDMI cables, Bluetooth speakers and more.

Hernandez said the Customer Contact Center concept should be a game changer for retailers.

“Consumers return millions of goods annually that retailers must collect, transport, store and dispose of at significant cost,” said Hernandez. “Brazil has stringent rules limiting the resale of returned goods – even those in good condition – so this service should be a huge advantage to stores, while also assisting consumers in the proper use of their devices.”

About Carrefour

As a multi-local, multi-format and omni-channel retailer, Carrefour employs more than 380,000 people worldwide. With 12,300 stores in more than 30 countries, the group generated revenues of €104.4 billion under banners in 2015. Carrefour is a partner for daily life. Every day, it welcomes more than 13 million customers around the world. Carrefour is committed through its actions to sustainable and responsible trade. The Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility worldwide approach is built on three pillars: fighting against waste in all its forms, protecting biodiversity and working alongside the company’s partners. For more information:, @CarrefourGroup on Twitter.

About Encompass International

Encompass International is part of Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc., a U.S. based market leader in forward and reverse supply chain management and high-tech repair services for a diverse and expanding range of consumer electronics, computer, major appliances and imaging products. Encompass provides end-to-end solutions for OEMs, retailers, independent dealers and third-party administrators. The company manages all stages of the product lifecycle, including finished goods and replacement parts logistics, board repair and product refurbishment services, returns management, asset value recovery and eco-friendly disposal.

Encompass International serves Latin America and parts of Europe with a host of reverse logistics solutions and replacement parts from top global manufacturer brands.