Original Versus Generic Service Parts

Original Versus Generic Service Parts

The concept that generic products are just as good as
original manufacturer products definitely holds true – when you’re talking about
thumb tacks or yellow mustard perhaps. But when it comes to spare parts for
intricate electronics or appliance repair, can you really trust a knock
Robert Coolidge
President & CEO

just because it’s cheaper?

Some generic parts are sourced from the same ODM that makes
the genuine parts, so the generic version is easily seen as an attractive, less
costly option. However, many are also copied through reverse engineering,
potentially using inferior materials and processes.
With no way to tell exactly what you’re getting, the first
clue may not come until an unhappy consumer informs you that the high-end
refrigerator you just drove 20 miles to repair has failed again. Are generic
parts worth the risk of making multiple lengthy trips to a customer’s home due
to repeated part failure? Perhaps, but in the age of instant feedback on the
Internet, is it also worth the risk to your business reputation? While one
happy customer may tell two people about his/her experience, an unhappy
customer will tell the world.

No surprise, cutting corners usually doesn’t pay off in the
long run. It’s a practice that is likely to end up costing you more in time,
labor and parts expense. When Encompass is able to obtain original parts
directly from the OEM, that is always the preferred option for just this reason.
Managing defective parts is a drain on our resources and bottom line, but that
is secondary to the negative impact faulty parts can have on our brand and
customer relationships.  

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