CE Tech Tips — April 2019
Due to the danger and complexity of electronic equipment repair, the following technical tip is intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.
Hitachi TV, 53FDX20B
Reason for Service: No picture or OSD, but power light comes on.
Solution: Replaced C603.
LG TV, 47LM4600UC
Reason for Service: Set seems to turn on, but there is no picture, sound or backlight.
Solution: Found shorted diode on the power board. D607, MUR460.
Mitsubishi TV, WD65732
Reason for Service: At plug in, green front LED flashes continually. Set won’t start.
Solution: Replacing DM board fixed this set.
Panasonic TV, TC-P55GT30
Reason for Service: Top half of picture was bad. After a short time, set shuts down.
Solution: Check and replace shorted FETs on SC board. Put star washers under screws and tighten well.
Sears TV, 509.14370, (JVC)
Reason for Service: HV comes up, then set shuts down.
Solution: Replacing the following fixed set: LA7832, D541, R541, 1.8 ohm/2W and C424, 100uF/35V. Check all solder in vertical area for bad joints.
Sony TV, KDL-46EX720
Reason for Service: Set powers up for just a second, then shuts down with a 4 blink error code.
Solution: Set had bad LED driver board. Replacing it fixed the set.
Toshiba TV, 50H72
Reason for Service: Diagonal lines on white screen.
Solution: Found and replaced two bad 10uF SM caps in HD module.
Zenith TV B27A76 9-2067 module
Reason for Service: Dead set.
Solution: Found bad cap on unregulated B+ line. CX3407, 300uF/200V.
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