Replace Oven Light Cover
Due the danger and complexity of electronic equipment repair, the following technical tip is intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.Â
Having trouble getting that pesky glass cover off to replace your oven light? Here are a few helpful tips.
So the first and obvious way, and you’ve likely already tried, is just to use your hands. Lefty Lucy, Righty Tighty. Simply turn the cover to the left, pop it off, swap the bulb, put the cover back on, turning it to the right to tighten back into place.
If the cover won’t come off easily, wrap a rag around the cover, and give it a GENTLE tap with a hammer. If you hit it too hard, the glass will break. After gently hitting the cover, turn it to the left, swap the bulb, replace the cover and turn it to the right to lock it down.
Lastly, if all else fails, you can use a strap wrench, which can be found at an auto parts store. This is basically an oil can wrench, but it serves a lot of purposes. Slip it over the cover, tighten it down, and give it a turn to the left. If that breaks it free, you’re done! If not, time to call a pro.
Special thanks to Fred’s Appliance Academy for this helpful tip.
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