Tech Tips — October 2015
technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to
manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy,
reliability or safety of this information.
Dead set, no LED lit or blinking
ohm resistor open in series to the gate of Q501. Check them all.
Shutting down.
Horizontal output voltage and B+ Ok.
Horizontal output collector distorted waveform.
D1618 located in the secondary or the SMPS.
FR154, used an ECG580.
Video has solid vertical lines
panel. 289P107010 – call Mitsubishi to
see if they will help with the cost.
Dead, one blink
Mechanical buzzing noise
install Kit # XYN3+F6FJ-12PK.
Picture flickers intermittently.
the BN44-00342B power supply, snip jumper JP854.
Has sound but no backlight
small black fuse near two larger ones on the backlight board.
Two blinks and shuts down
mount, located pin 4 of HO transformer,
T5001. Replaced with eighth W.
No power, no relay click.
bad. Replacing it fixed the set.
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