Tech Tips — June 2014
technical tips are intended for professional reference only. Please refer to
manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy,
reliability or safety of this information.
Dead, no high voltage
replace as necessary: CF09, DF04, DP18 and TP15.
connector at each CRT to determine if this causes the symptom, if so, replace
that lead.
No audio
as necessary: R881, R880 and D2321.
Reason for Service: Vertical
is shrinking down.
Solution: Replaced D6460 SM diode in vertical section, and check or
replace C2444 and C2465.
supply not working because FP251 and FP221 were open. Replacing fixed the set.
straps on the CRTs. Make sure they are
not touching anything shorting out.
Bright picture with no contrast
G board open. 100uF/160V.
Dead, 9 blink error code
fixed the set. #10ERB20, NTE125
picture side by side.
assy. Replacing them fixed the set.
Shuts down
following in the power supply: C201,202,203,227,271,272,282
and 283. Check 261, C275. Measure voltage in and out of all the
regulators on the main board. Replace
any found bad.
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