Value of Our Service Division
Encompass is the only consumer electronics parts distributor that also performs board-level repair and other reverse logistics services — such as returns management and asset value recovery — through our company division Encompass Service Solutions. The fact we provide repair services through agreements with extended warranty companies sometimes doesn’t sit well with our independent servicer customers. But in actuality, this capability can help them more than they realize.

Robert Coolidge
President & CEO
Encompass has on hand hundreds of defective circuit boards for multiple product categories that we are able to repair and return to the supply chain. Through a collaborative project, the Parts and Service teams work together to identify the boards that are in highest demand by our customers and prioritize them for repair to get them back in circulation as quickly as possible. Our technicians are highly skilled with extensive experience to ensure a top quality product. Techs are also able to test returns to minimize the volume of defective parts returned to manufacturers.
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