Tag - Dynex TV repair

CE Tech Tips — May 2021

Due to the danger and complexity of electronic equipment repair, the following technical tip is intended for professional reference only. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations as Encompass does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or safety of this information.

Dynex TV, DX40L150A11
Reason for Service: Backlights come on briefly, then screen goes black.
Solution: Replacing inverter module restored normal operation. 

Emerson TV, LC-320EM2A
Reason for Service
: When pushing power button, there is a high pitch
squeal and blinking blue power light.
Solution: Replaced shorted D633 in power supply. 27V/1W. 

Reason for Service: Dead set.
Solution: Found bad Opto in power supply, PC502; replacing it fixed the set. 

LG TV, 50PA4500
Reason for Service: Power button or remote will not turn set on.
Solution: Found bad cap in power supply, C802. Replacing it fixed the set. 0.022mF/1600V


Samsung TV, LN32B360C5d
Reason for Service: Set turns on one time at plug in, then won’t turn on again unless it is unplugged first.
Solution: Repairing bad tab on power supply board used for CCFL tubes fixed set. 

Sony TV, KDL40Z4100
Reason for Service: Dead, no standby.
Solution: On power supply board found shorted IC6101 and an open R6127, 10 ohm/Fusible.

Sony TV, KDL40V4100
Reason for Service
: Dead set, no standby.
Solution: Replacing Fusible resistor R6200, (10 ohm/half W) and IC6200 restored normal operation.

Vizio TV, M420NV
Reason for Service
: Set had no video, but sound was okay.
Solution: Installing eeprom kit fixed the set.


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